Smart Health Watch

Smart Health Watch Prototype

🏥 Health Stats

❤️ Heart Rate: 75 BPM
👣 Steps: 0
🔥 Calories Burned: 0 kcal
User Authenticated ✅
🔒 Non-Transferable Device

How This Works

Heart Rate Simulation: Randomly updates the heart rate every 3 seconds.
✅ Step Counter: increments step count and calculates burned calories.
Non-Transferability Simulation: Uses a simple authentication check (which could be replaced with fingerprint or biometric scanning).
User Interface: Designed as a smartwatch UI with a circular display.

Features of This Smartwatch Prototype

Live health tracking: monitors heart rate, steps, and calories.
✔ Non-transferable authentication: prevents unauthorized users from using the watch.
✔ Compact smartwatch UI: mimics a smartwatch screen.
✔ Simulated sensor data—works without actual hardware.
✔ Real-time updates—auto-refreshing health stats.

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